




原著分为四部分,以下摘自第一部分“If Not Later,When?(回头不试,更待何时?) ”


Better stay away from him,I thought.  To think that I had almost fallen for the skin of his hands, his chest, his feet that had never touched a rough surface in their existence—and his eyes, which,when their other,kinder gaze fell on you,came like the miracle of the Resurrection.  You could never stare long enough but needed to keep staring to find out why you couldn't.




I knew exactly what phrase in the piece must have stirred him the first time,and each time I played it, I was sending it to him as a little gift, because it was really dedicated to him,,as a token of something very beautiful in me that would take no genius to figure out and that urged me to throw in an extended cadenza.  Just for him.

We were—and he must have recognized the signs long before I did—flirting.





Fire like fear,like panic,like one more minute of this and I'll die if he doesn't knock at my door,but I'd sooner he never knock than knock now.  I had learned to leave my French windows ajar,and I'd lie on my bed wearing only my bathing suit,my entire body on fire.  Fire like a pleading that says, Please, please, tell me I'm wrong, tell me I've imagined all this, because it can't possibly be true for you as well, and if it's true for you too, then you're the crudest man alive. 



This,the afternoon he did finally walk into my room without knocking as if summoned by my prayers and asked how come I wasn't with the others at the beach, and all I could think of saying, though I couldn't bring myself to say it, was, To be with you.  To be with you, Oliver.  With or without my bathing suit.  To be with you on my bed. In your bed.  Which is my bed during the other months of the year. Do with me what you want.  Take me. 




What I hoped he hadn't noticed in my overreaction to his grip was something else. Before shirking off his arm, I knew I had yielded to his hand and had almost leaned into it, as if to sa——as I'd heard adults so often say when someone happened to massage their shoulders while passing behind the——Don't stop. Had he noticed I was ready not just to yield but to mold into his body?




But it was the gold necklace and the Star of David with a golden mezuzah on his neck that told me here was something more compelling than anything I wanted from him, for it bound us and reminded me that, while everything else conspired to make us the two most dissimilar beings, this at least transcended all differences.





What baffled me was that he didn't seem to care or notice that I wore one too. Just as he probably didn't care or notice each time my eyes wandered along his bathing suit.









"What are you doing?" 


"No, you're not." 

"Thinking, then." 








I was dying to tell him. 

"Private," I replied. 

"So you won't tell me?" 

"So I won't tell you."

"So he won't tell me," he repeated, pensively, as if explaining to someone about me.







How I loved the way he repeated what I myself had just repeated. It made me think of a caress, or of a gesture, which happens to be totally accidental the first time but becomes intentional the second time and more so yet the third. 




No, two would do, he replied, and, turning to my parents, added, "I know myself. If I have three, I'll have a fourth, and more." I had never heard someone his age say, I know myself. It intimidated me.




"It's a long story, so bear with me, Pro." Suddenly Oliver had become serious. "Many Latin words are derived from the Greek. In the case of 'apricot,' however, it's the other way around; the Greek takes over from Latin. The Latin word was praecoquum, from pre-coquere, pre-cook, to ripen early, as in 'precocious,' meaning premature."


My mother, unable to resist his charm, reached out to him and tousled his hair and said, "Che muvi star!"

"He is right, there is no denying it," said my father under his breath, as though mimicking the part of a cowered Galileo forced to mutter the truth to himself.

"Courtesy of Philology 101," said Oliver.

All I kept thinking of was apricock precock, precock apricock.







"What's it to you anyway?" he asked.


I described her naked body, which I'd seen two years before. I wanted him aroused. It didn't matter what he desired so long as he was aroused.



"Are you trying to make me like her?"

"What would the harm be in that?"

"No harm. Except I like to go it alone, if you don't mind."





It took me a while to understand what I was really after. Not just to get him aroused in my presence, or to make him need me, but in urging him to speak about her behind her back, I'd turn Chiara into the object of man-to-man gossip. It would allow us to warm up to one another through her, to bridge the gap between us by admitting we were drawn to the same woman.






They are embossed on every song that was a hit that summer, in every novel I read during and after his stay, on anything from the smell of rosemary on hot days to the frantic rattle of the cicadas in the afternoon—smells and sounds I'd grown up with and known every year of my life until then but that had suddenly turned on me and acquired an inflection forever colored by the events of that summer.




I had been perfectly willing to brand him as difficult and unapproachable and have nothing more to do with him. Two words from him, and I had seen my pouting apathy change into I'll play anything for you till you ask me to stop, till it's time for lunch, till the skin on my fingers wears off layer after layer, because I like doing things for you, will do anything for you, just say the word.




Was he my home, then, my homecoming? You are my homecoming. When I'm with you and we're well together, there is nothing more I want. You make me like who I am, who I become when you're with me, Oliver. If there is any truth in the world, it lies when I'm with you, and if I find the courage to speak my truth to you one day, remind me to light a candle in thanksgiving at every altar in Rome.




Don't let him be someone else when he's away. Don't let him be someone I've never seen before. Don't let him have a life other than the life I know he has with us, with me. 

Don't let me lose him.

I knew I had no hold on him, nothing to offer, nothing to lure him by.

I was nothing.

Just a kid.







I wanted him gone from our home so as to be done with him.

I wanted him dead too, so that if I couldn't stop thinking about him and worrying about when would be the next time I'd see him, at least his death would put an end to it. I wanted to kill him myself, even, so as to let him know how much his mere existence had come to bother me.





If I didn't kill him, then I'd cripple him for life, so that he'd be with us in a wheelchair and never go back to the States. If he were in a wheelchair, I would always know where he was, and he'd be easy to find. I would feel superior to him and become his master, now that he was crippled.




There is a law somewhere that says that when one person is thoroughly smitten with the other, the other must unavoidably be smitten as well. Amor ch'a nulVamato amar perdona. Love, which exempts no one who's loved from loving, Francesca's words in the Inferno. Just wait and be hopeful. I was hopeful, though perhaps this was what I had wanted all along. To wait forever.

我记得在哪儿听过一个法则:当A完全迷恋B的时候,B必定无可避免地也爱上了A。Amorch' anull' amatoamar perdona 。“爱,让每一个被爱的人无可豁免地也要去爱”,这是弗兰西斯卡在《地狱篇》里说的话。耐心等待、怀着希望。我充满希望,或许这就是我一直渴望的。我会永恒等待。






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